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5 signs your glasses don’t fit

Woman with eye strain holding glasses

You’ve found what appears to be the perfect pair of glasses frames to match your unique style, but the fit is wrong. 

The size and shape of your eyewear does matter — perhaps more than you think. 

Here are some common signs your glasses are not the right fit for you:

1. Nose sliding 

Do your glasses slip down your nose when you tilt your head? You may have a low nose bridge. 

Look for glasses best suited for lower nose bridges, such as rectangular or horn-rimmed, and pay attention to bridge width. 

If you have glasses with nose pads, they may need adjusting to make them rest more comfortably and securely on your nose. Your eye care professional will be able to do this for you.

2. Looseness

When you turn your head, do your glasses fall off? They may be too loose around your ears. 

The end of the temples (the tips) may need more bending around the back of your ear. Visit your eye care professional to see if this is the case.

Alternatively, you might consider investing in smaller-sized frames that better fit your unique face shape.

3. Pinching

Do your glasses leave unsightly spots on your nose bridge? 

While many glasses sit on top of the nose, metal frames rely on nose pads to evenly distribute weight. When they’re set incorrectly, they can leave marks and cause painful pinching. 

Your eye care professional can easily adjust your nose pads so they rest against your face. They may even recommend you go with a different nose pad material such as silicone, acetate or nylon.

If you are noticing pinching with plastic frames, your frames may be too heavy, or your bridge width may be too small. Consider lighter-weight lenses and frames with a slightly wider bridge.

4. Tightness

Do your glasses leave marks on your cheeks? Your glasses may be too tight at the temples or around the ears. 

The temple tips may be too tight behind your ears and will need loosening. This will be easy to do if you return to your optical practice.

If you are still experiencing discomfort, you may need to invest in larger frames.

5. Eye strain

Even if you found the right size frames, you may still experience eye strain or headaches. This could be a sign that your pupillary distance (PD) was measured incorrectly.

PD, the distance between your pupils, drives comfort in how well your glasses will fit, and it’s just as important as your prescription when ordering eyeglasses online. Learn more about this important measurement and how to find it in our online pupillary distance guide.

Your comfort and vision are important. When it comes to glasses, you don’t have to grin and bear it. 

For the best glasses to fit your face and to reduce discomfort caused by poor-fitting glasses, schedule an eye exam today.

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