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What are myopia symptoms?

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There are several symptoms of myopia (nearsightedness), all of which are fairly easy to recognize.

As the name indicates, nearsighted people see nearby objects quite clearly (they are "near-sighted"), but they strain to see things that are farther away.

In addition to blurry distance vision, signs and symptoms of myopia include squinting, excessive blinking, eye rubbing, headaches, eye strain and an apparent unawareness of distant objects.

Nearsightedness usually begins in childhood. A typical complaint of nearsighted schoolchildren is that they have trouble reading what’s written on the classroom chalkboard or whiteboard.

Myopia generally stabilizes by age 20, but it can continue to progress in early adulthood.

If your child is experiencing myopia symptoms, schedule a complete eye exam with an eye doctor. Children who are nearsighted should have annual eye exams to help maintain excellent vision during the school years.

Nearsightedness usually doesn’t pose a risk to eye health, but it’s important to get an early diagnosis and treatment to ensure that it does not become a degenerative condition.

Myopia can be corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses. When the condition stabilizes, refractive surgery procedures such as LASIK and PRK can permanently correct nearsightedness and eliminate myopia symptoms.

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